Matt Cannock, Head of Amnesty’s Centre for International Justice, calls for an honest appraisal of the Court and Rome Statute’s first 20 years, a reinvigoration of a collective and even more inclusive ‘Post-Rome generation’ and creative reengagement with the Court with a view to the ‘ICC@40’
Transparency is essential if the ICC is to convincingly resolve the question of its jurisdiction over forced deportations from Myanmar
June 20, 2018
Over the next weeks, Amnesty International will issue opinion pieces examining the Office of the Prosecutor’s use of Article 19(3) and the substance of the question of jurisdiction it has posed to the Pre-Trial Chamber. In this first piece, Legal Adviser Jonathan O’Donohue joins others in expressing concern about the closed process so far and calls for greater transparency and consultation.
Bemba Judgment warrants better investigations and fair trials – not efforts to discredit the decision
June 19, 2018
Amnesty International’s International Justice Team provides some initial reflections on the most controversial aspects of the Judgment and challenges a number of criticisms.
The ICC Appeals Chamber’s problematic approach to identifying evidence obtained in violation of human rights
June 6, 2018
In this third opinion piece examining the ICC’s approach to evidence in the Bemba et al. case, International Criminal Justice Clinic student Ellen Leishman raises concern regarding the Court’s failure to determine the admissibility of evidence consistently with internationally recognized human rights.