
  • [Stakeholder report] More attention needed to local stakeholders’ and affected communities’ engagement with the ICC

    Today, the T.M.C. Asser Instituut and Amnesty International release their report entitled ‘The Rome Statute at 40’ Based on an expert…

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  • Nigeria: Willingly unable: ICC preliminary examination and Nigeria’s failure to address impunity for international crimes

    Since 2009, Northeast Nigeria has been the scene of an armed conflict between Boko Haram and the Nigerian security forces,…

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  • Amnesty International’s key recommendations for ASP17

    Amnesty International released its key recommendations for the seventeenth session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute…

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  • “They betrayed us”: Women who survived Boko Haram raped, starved and detained in Nigeria

    Since early 2015, the Nigerian military has recaptured vast swathes of territory that had come under the control of Boko Haram in the north-east of the country. This report examines what happened to the group of people who fled or were forced from rural towns and villages that had been controlled by Boko Haram, as the military intensified its operations.

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  • Amnesty International: Key Recommendations for ASP16

    Amnesty International's updated key recommendations to the upcoming 16th Session of the Assembly of States Parties of the ICC.

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  • Amnesty: 5 Key Recommendations for ASP 16

    Amnesty International's ‘Initial Recommendations to the 16th Session of the Assembly of States Parties’. The paper makes recommendations on a number of important issues under consideration at the 16th Assembly session, which takes place in New York from 4 to 14 December 2017.

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  • The long wait for Justice: accountability in the Central African Republic

    Impunity in Central African Republic (CAR) not only denies justice to thousands of victims of human rights violations and abuses, it also continues to fuel instability and conflict.

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  • Looking for Justice. Recommendations for the Hybrid Court for South Sudan

    Amnesty International and FIDH present key recommendations on the structure and institutional framework of the HCSS, in order to ensure that the court effectively achieves accountability, meets international fair trial standards, has national legitimacy, and incorporates the best practices of other hybrid and ad hoc tribunals.

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