Are there hidden costs of the ICC Prosecutor’s campaign for additional budget support, voluntary contributions and secondments?
October 11, 2022
Chuka Arinze-Onyia, Amnesty International’s International Justice in Africa Fellow, introduces a new series of opinion pieces examining the capacity and…
The Inter American Court of Human Rights defers consideration of whether Peru should have pardoned Alberto Fujimori
August 6, 2018
Legal Adviser Hugo Relva reflects on the recent decision by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) to allow up to six months for Peruvian courts to consider the legality of the pardon granted to Alberto Fujimori.
Matt Cannock, Head of Amnesty’s Centre for International Justice, calls for an honest appraisal of the Court and Rome Statute’s first 20 years, a reinvigoration of a collective and even more inclusive ‘Post-Rome generation’ and creative reengagement with the Court with a view to the ‘ICC@40’
The ICC must become a champion of justice over abuse of power
February 19, 2018
Legal Adviser Jonathan O’Donohue reflects on the 20th anniversary of the Rome Statute not as a time for celebration but a crisis point for international justice that demands robust action by the International Criminal Court (ICC).