Admitting mistakes on admitting evidence – It’s not too late for the ICC to get it right.
May 4, 2018
Building on initial concerns about the ICC’s approach to evidence in the Bemba et al. Appeals Chamber judgment, Chiara Loiero, Legal Assistant at Amnesty International’s Centre for International Justice, criticizes the ICC’s emerging practice of deferring any consideration on admission of evidence until deliberating the judgment.
Appeal judgment raises serious questions regarding the fairness of the ICC’s approach to evidence
March 14, 2018
Legal Adviser Jonathan O’Donohue provides an initial reaction to last Thursday’s summary judgment by the ICC Appeals Chamber confirming the conviction of five persons for offences against the administration of justice in the Bemba case.
Laurent Gbagbo, interim release, and the ‘interests of justice’
October 23, 2017
Chiara Loiero, Legal Assistant at Amnesty International’s Centre for International Justice, considers the ICC Appeals Chamber’s recent decision to reject Laurent Gbagbo’s notice of appeal against Trial Chamber I’s latest refusal to grant him interim release during his trial.