International Justice Day and Days to Come: The Rome Statute of the ICC and a future Convention on Crimes against Humanity – Complementarity, not Competition
July 17, 2024
On International Justice Day, Amnesty International reiterates its call that the system of international justice, based on cooperation and complementarity of relevant actors, must continue to be strengthened by adopting a Convention on Crimes Against Humanity
Joint Statement on French Investigation of Syria’s President Assad for Chemical Weapons Attacks
May 8, 2024
Syrian and international civil society organizations and victims' associations unite in call for justice and accountability for the survivors and victims of chemical attacks in Syria.
Are there hidden costs of the ICC Prosecutor’s campaign for additional budget support, voluntary contributions and secondments?
October 11, 2022
Chuka Arinze-Onyia, Amnesty International’s International Justice in Africa Fellow, introduces a new series of opinion pieces examining the capacity and…
Must Justice Sleep or Hibernate for the Victims of the Philippines ‘War on Drugs’?
July 28, 2021
Representatives of civil society from the Philippines following the ICC’s process describe their trepidation that, despite the recent decision by the ICC Office of the Prosecutor to request authorisation to investigate crimes committed in the context of the ‘war on drugs’, the investigation could ultimately be hibernated.
New Opinion Piece Series: The Cost of Hibernated Investigations
July 26, 2021
Amnesty International and the World Federalist Movement introduce a series of opinion pieces by civil society organizations challenging the ASP Independent Expert Review’s recommendation to hibernate International Criminal Court investigations as a solution to underfunding.